Friday, May 27, 2011

I was wondering what I could post about today - I need to keep the blog alive...I need people to come and visit it - so that if one day I turn out amazing stuff, there is someone apart from my husband and brother to read it... :-).   So here are my thoughts on boredom:

My brain is engulfed in flames of boredom. Have you ever felt that woozy-headedness in the head - a feeling which feels like the brain has packed up and gone - and all that is left is a vaccuum that is threatening to eat you up. You look at the computer screen and feel almost angry to find that everything still remains the same - the web pages look the same - the mails look the same - there is nothing absolutely new and curious. I just took a 30 minute 1.5 km walk around the office, leaving from one gate and entering at the other to take my mind off its own pre-occupation. My mind has a mind of its own - I am not able to draw it away from itself at times - it just keeps brooding and refuses to come out of its misery (even self-inflicted at times). Not that it would take much to cheer it up - just a loved song, or stimulating conversation, or a long session playing the Oblivion (or Team Fortress!!). Of these the stimulating conversation is the hardest to come by - I depend upon my parents, or husband or friends for it. But its rather not an on-demand thing - I cannot have stimulating conversation when I need it - it has to come by - rather like Mr. Right.

Skipping that topic - I read something in last Sunday's TOI that closely resembled the works of Shakespeare attempted by monkeys - packaged as a blog from an urban girl's diary. Should I say that it sucked? It was a plain D grade mushy novel page verging on porn. Definitely the Sunday Times supplement is not worth the paper its printed on anymore.

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